Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Marisa Kubacki

This week I peer edited Marisa Kubacki's podcast titled "What did one psychologist say to the other?", which she talks about in this post.

"Soundwaves" 4/4/14 via pixabay. C00 Public Domain.

I decided to make a copy-editing suggestion on language use. I gave Marisa the following advice:
  • Add music between the intro and genre 1 segments
  • Use more psychology terms to engage the audience in the podcast content
  • Spend less time explaining the genre to allow more time for explaining the rhetorical devices used
I think my advice will help Marisa decide how to organize the transition music and how to voice her opinions in a quick yet effective manner. She was worried about her voice sounding bad, but I do not think these are issues at all. I really enjoyed listening to her podcast. With that said, I think she can now worry about other things she mentioned in her post such as audience engagement and content.

I incorporated the Project 2 Guide into my feedback. I advised Marisa to spend more time explaining the devices and less time with introducing the genres because the goal of project 2 is to analyze and explain the devices.

One thing I admire from Marisa's podcast is her tone. I loved listening to the podcast! She makes the material engaging by sounding interested and lively. I personally struggle with this because I think I always accidentally sound critical or confused. I will definitely try to learn from her voice inflections and hopefully incorporate this kind of energy into my podcast as well.

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