Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule P2

Okay, here comes the part I don't like so much. Schedules are hard for me. Not in the way you would expect though.

I love having a schedule, it allows me to figure out what I have to do and when I can do it.

I hate creating schedules. I never know if I am giving myself enough time nor what types of unpredictable life curve balls will be thrown my way. And honestly, making a schedule shows just how much I have to do, and how little time I have. It can be stressful.

"Clock". 6/8/15 via pixabay. C00 Public Domain.

But nevertheless, the pros do outweigh the cons.

My production schedule is tentative because of personal reasons. I am like 85% sure I will be making changes later, but for now, this is what I plan to do.

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