Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Katie Russell

I reached out beyond my section and peer edited Katie's podcast (remains untitled) which she talks about in this post.

"Pencil" 10/27/15 via pixabay. C00 Public Domain.

I made a recommendation about form and left the following advice:
  • Sound as engaged as possible during the introduction
  • Ensure the interviewee segments do not distract from your message
  • Add a closing section that focuses on why this topic matters
  • Add music or sound effects to meet podcast conventions
I think my advice to Katie will help her meet the genre conventions. She has the content down and explained and ready to go, but is struggling with meeting the convention requirements. I gave her some reminders on how to make a podcast strong, which I think is helpful because since this is the first time most of us are making a podcast, reminders keep us on track.

I incorporated information from the Project 2 Guide, because I think that is one of our most valuable resources, since it tells us exactly what the goal of the project is and how to approach it. I suggested that Katie add the podcast conventions ASAP to really make sure the project requirements are being met.

One thing I like from Katie's podcast is her explanation of writing in the medical field. When reading her explanation, it clicked in my mind like an organization tree. She mentioned two sections, then mini subsections and I understood the breakdown. It is difficult to explain writing in he medical field, because there isn't much of it and there are not really "sections" or clear cut genres.

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