Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

There have been some minor setbacks, and this deadline has been moved back a few days.

Pre-production week was longer because of this, but I still struggled to get everything done in time.
"Studio" 10/29/15 via pixabay. CC0 public domain.
Nevertheless, I now have a content outline, production schedule, and raw footage from interviews.

What were some of the successes during this week's process work?
  • I created an outline! I definitely consider this a huge success because I think outlines are extremely helpful. It's not very good or very detailed yet, but I have a general direction. I can fix and modify it later.
  • I recorded everything on my outline. I am not sure about the audio quality though, but I can deal with that issue during production week.
  • I loved the interviews. Ned and Dr. Cohen both gave me so much information. I know I will have a lot of options and ways to use the material throughout the project.

What were some of the challenges?
  • My time was very limited. I am traveling over spring break so I was unable to explore Audacity, the audio editing software, so I hope to find time later to explore it. I am a little nervous though, because I have not done this type of project before, so I feel like I don't know what I am doing.
  • I have a lot of content from my interviews. A lot. It is hard to decide which content to use and how to incorporate it. I need a better grasp on the goals of project 2.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experience this week?
  • I am nervous for next week, because I know very little about audio editing. I anticipate that it will be hard to use and I will have some trouble with it.
  • I am also still unsure of how I want to construct my podcast's content outline. I'm probably going to change some things, so I will probably have to re-record.
  • I will not have access to my laptop or the internet during spring break, so I know I will not be able to work on this project.
  • When I come back, I know I have a lot of other assignments due that week and the next, so I know time management will be difficult.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
  • Above all, I am feeling nervous. I do not know how the final project is going to come along because of some of the issues. 
  • But interestingly, I am having fun. I like voicing my opinion and creating things. 

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