Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

Now that I have identified my interviewees, I will be taking a closer look into their publications.

"Microscope". 5/24/13 via pixabay. CC0 Public Domain.

Ned is a medical student at the U of A, but before applying, he worked as a biomedical engineer. He was a co-author in a scientific journal that details an E. coli experiment.

  • I was only able to find one publication. I will ask if others exist during the interview. The scientific journal can be found here
    • Genre: Scientific Journal
    • What makes it special: It is fantastically detailed and to the point. It has the following subsections: Abstract, Into, Methods, Design, Results, Conclusion. The purpose is to explain an experiment and share the results. 
      • Formatting: APA
      • Conventions: detailed, not too much white space, columns, diagrams and tables
      • Content: Strictly scientific, no room for jokes here
  • Context of publication
    • The experiment's objective was to distinguish between E. coli strands and species through the use of their metabolic functions, as stated in the abstract
      • "The models are used to determine functinal differences between strains and define the E.coli species based on common metabolic capabilities".
    •  The ideas developed in the study can be useful to drug development, as stated in the discussion portion. 
      • "Ultimately, this understanding can be leveraged to formulate strain and species specific drug development and therapeutic approaches"
  • Overall message
    • Besides providing a detailed summary and analysis of the experiment, the publication is essentially saying the topic of E. coli and species is important and should continue to be studied. 
      • "In addition to this fundamental advance, the niche specific characteristics provide a basis for understanding strain and species specific parthenogenesis".
  • Purpose
    • To tell people this investigation needs to be taken forward!
      •  "Similar studies of diverse strains for species beyond E.coli will further define the concept of a species".  

Unfortunately, I was unable to find publications by Dr. Cohen on her website. I will inquire about this during our interview.

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