Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

This week has been eerily relaxing because I am able to see the work of others and think about how to improve my own. Honestly, this peer editing stuff is fantastic.

Johnathon, James. "Raccoon is Excited...". 11/22/12 via inquisitr.

I edited Emily's Podcast and completed this rubric.

I edited Payton's QRG and completed this rubric.

What I Learned About my Project
  • Editing another QRG gave me a better idea of how to organize my own in a more effective way. I was also able to see the effect of more personal pictures and quotes on the overall text.
  • Editing a project done in a different genre gave me a better idea of what the purpose of the project is.

Top 3 Issues
  • I need to add more pictures! I have decided to add the following pictures to my own draft:
    • Of the residents working at UW
    • Seattle City Council
    • UW Administration
  • I need to analyze more deeply how the different stakeholders make their claims and whether or not their claims are valid.
  • I need to increase my credibility by adding more sources or organizing my QRG more effectively to better show the progression of the issue.

Top 3 Strengths
  • Good array and organization of hyperlinks
  • Address all sides of issue, which helps establish credibility
  • Explain issue in simple terms and have engaging personal stories about individual residents (which I should continue to build upon)

Plan of Action to Improve
  • I need to rethink the organizational structure of my QRG. I should play around with columns, headers, themes, fonts, sizes, picture locations. I need to make it more aesthetically pleasing. 
  • I should reread a couple sources and add more information on how the stakeholders make their claims and if they are valid. I also need to research the more political side.
  • I need to include a better, more detailed introduction that stimulates the five senses.

Even though my first draft is completed, there is still a lot to be done!

Do you have any tricks for formatting a QRG?

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