Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Verbs

Verbs, verbs, verbs. Action, action, action. It's something we never really think about--our way of portraying action and how we say it?

I gathered all the verbs I used for my draft, and the results re surprising.

Niabot. "Magnifying glass". 5/20/11 via wikimedia. Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported.

Verbs used:

found, see, analyze, handling, completed, earned, participate, dictate, participate, matched, work, trained, conduct, work, work, unionized, created, wish, ensure, gathered, ask, argue, asking, compensated, improve, addressed, explain, citing, entering, advocating, secure, shared, read, determined, released, highlights, continues, explain, paid, paid, acknowledged, willing, negotiate, published, encouraging, cooperate, support, stating, provide, listened, increased, proceeded, reaching, struggles, stressed, stress, shares, focuses, sinking, passed, prohibited, reduce, enact, finding, growing, anticipated, negotiate, form, value

Verbs used more than once:

Work (III)
Participate (II)
Ask (II)
Explain (II)
Paid (II)
Stress (II)
Share (II)
Negotiate (II)

So what:
  • I tend to repeat a verb within two consecutive sentences! I never realized I did this. I can probably get rid of those second sentences to make my draft flow better.
  • I don't repeat verbs as often as I thought, which is also surprising.

What do you think the significance of verb usage is?

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