Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report 11a

Ok, y'all. I did the thing. I made a little segment from my outline from raw content. It is very rough, I am just beginning to learn how to do this stuff.

"Laptop". 2/8/15 via pixabay. CC0 Public Domain.
This is the content outline:
  • The Background
    • This article says that college volunteers going to other countries are essentially just doing a poor job and are not mindful of their actions
    • This type of individual is refered to as a "voluntourist"
      • Sometimes people confuse social media postings with acts of voluntourism.
        • Explain the different - it is in the content of the message

This is the raw footage:

How did you decide to use form to present your content? How did the conventions influence your choices?
  • Originally, I wanted to present these screenshots in a way so they are flying at the screen. I thought that would give it a dramatic effect. Then I realized I will have to actually be speaking about the screenshots while displaying them. 
  • So I decided to show them in this simple way for now. If I find more pictures, I will do the flying thing and do the voiceover with it.
  • The conventions of the video essay greatly influenced what images I want to show. Instead of reading the posts out loud, I will let the audience do it themselves. Maybe highlight some words.

How did production go? What challenges occurred during the process?
  • This was generally easy. I found the screenshots I wanted to use immediately and I knew what I wanted to say.
  • The difficult part was finding a way to organize the content and edit it with the voiceover. It has been a long time since I've used Windows Movie Maker, I do not know how to use this updated version.
  • I will also look into other video editing software to see if there is something better I can use.

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