Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production I

There is nothing like Sunday nights to make me contemplate my life choices. I start thinking of all that I have to do and what I did and didn't do well the previous week. I usually end up looking at myself like
Found on pinterest.
It's that point in the semester when only quotes from The Office can really describe how I feel.

So, lets talk about this week's work!

What were some of the successes?
  • I made creative choices. This is difficult for me. But I decided how I want to deliver the information and in what sequence along with which filters and photo transitions
  • I had time to explore Windows Movie Maker and through some intense trial and error, I was able to align the voice-over with the right photos and text
  • So, the rough cut isn't perfect. But I did realize exactly what sections need work and I have started thinking about how to fix those issues. This will make next week easier
  • I gathered more pictures and videos for the project, so now I have an even wider array of choices than before
What were some challenges?
  • Time!! As always, time was not on my side. I spent a lot of it figuring out the tools on Windows Movie Maker and just messing around with it to get all my options
  • I realized I did not know my topic as much as I thought I did, so i had to do more research and find more sources to build a more rounded argument
  • I don't know what was up with my voice during recording, but it does not sound too good. I am unsure if it is me or the recording system, I have to look into that
  • The transitions between segments were difficult because I didn't really know what to say, so I added text to make it easier to follow

How do you think next week will go based on your experiences this week?
  • I am not entirely happy with my current project, so I know next week will be dedicated to some heavy editing. 
  • I do have the little details down, I just need to figure out how to piece it all together. The content needs to be revised more to produce a more centered argument and the form should be edited a bit to make the video essay more engaging.
  • I do feel more comfortable with the topic though, so next week I should be pretty calm about this if I give myself enough time.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
  • I'm cool about it. I know it is not where I want it to be, but I do know what I need to work on, so everything is good. 
  • I think I chose a good topic and project to work on the video essay. This is the genre I was looking forward to the most, so I am glad I chose it now.

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