Thursday, April 21, 2016

Reflection on Post Production II

It's over. I have officially finished Project 3, my video essay. I can relax now--haha, except I can't because the final month of school is hitting me hard.

Found on Tumblr.
I came into the study room this morning, and now it is almost midnight. I've been here for hours. I had an energy drink at some point. I think I was outside at some point. Study groups came and went to neighboring rooms throughout the day. And, I, a lone student, have out-studied them all. Reality seems a bit distorted right now tbh.

But really though, I feel like the toughest project is behind me. And I feel okay with it.

What were some of the successes?
  • Um, I got through the week. That is definitely a success.
  • I think I was able to incorporate text, audio, music, video, and still images in a good way. My video essay flowed and was easy to follow.
  • I kept the video under 10 minutes!! Anyone who is familiar with my projects knows I have a tendency to go on and on and push the time limits. I'm glad I was able to keep it short this time.
  • Since the beginning of the semester, I knew the video essay was going to be the toughest genre for me, but the public argument was going to be relatively easy, because I've done them before. I'm glad I have finished this project.

What were some of the challenges?
  • I always tell myself I am going to make time work for me, but it just doesn't happen the way I want it to. I spend the necessary time I need to, but I do in in large chunks. I wanted to work on this project every day for small time increments, but that did not happen. I do not think that affected the quality of my project, though.
  • Piecing the text, audio, music, video, and images was more work than I thought it was going to be. Everything had to be timed perfectly and organized well. The local revision stage took a long time because of this.
  • I had some trouble centering my argument halfway through the process. I figured out I was heading in the wrong direction, so I had to rewrite some sections of my outline.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
  • Next week will be a lot easier! The public argument was very time consuming because it was research intensive. The video essay was also time consuming because it required a lot of resources and organization. 
  • I feel like the toughest parts of the class are now behind me.
  • The only genre I have left is the standard college essay, which is the genre I am most comfortable with because I have years of experience with it. 
  • I am definitely ready to start the self-reflection and to wrap up the skills I have strengthened and talk about what I have learned. It's going to be a good time.

How are you feeling about the project at this point?
  • Honestly, I am proud of the project I produced. I have not created a video essay before, so I think I did a good job with this one. I incorporated the genre conventions and formulated an argument with lots of support and evidence.  
  • I wish I could have more time to further keep making improvements. I feel like with these projects you can never edit enough because there are always more effects you can use.

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