Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection on Production

Sigh, another week is gone and I survived yet again. This week was difficult in a diferent way though. I had to really think about my topic and make creative decisions and I am just not good at making those.

Found on Tumblr.
Michael Scott just understands me as a person. This picture is me. This. Right here. Like, same.

What were some successes?
  • I was able to finish revising my content outline and narrowing down more sources to use.
  • I downloaded Windows Movie Maker and started playing with it a but to try and figure out how to use it.
  • I have a lot of resources to use for pictures!
  • The exporting for video is much easier than for audio, so that made me extremely happy. It is quick and simple and does not make me question my life choices. 10/10 would recommend

What were some challenges?
  • Technology is not my friend, using Windows Movie Maker was still somewhat difficult.
  • I did not understand how to change the properties of individual photos or how to add pre-recorded voice-over segments. It was interesting.
  • I also had to choose how to organize the content to meet the video essay conventions. There were a lot of possibilities, and I have a tendency to not be able to commit to one idea.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experience this week?
  • Next week will be more frustrating, because I still do not have a complete grasp on my argument.
  • I am still not comfortable using Windows Movie Maker so I will have to spend some time looking for other video editing software and trying to figure out how to use those. They might even turn out worse. Who knows?
  • I will need to really set aside a lot of time next week to think about what direction I really want to head into and rethink the way I am outlining my content.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?
  • Um, honestly, I am feeling very nervous right now.
  • I knew this was going to be the hardest project, but now I am starting to doubt my ability to create a decent video essay.
  • I looked forward to this assignment because I had this whole vision in my mind of what effects to use and how to center my argument, but now it seems harder than I thought.
  • I definitely have to focus on what direction I want my argument to take and how to vivedly express the genre conventions!

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